Sheep Census Reminder 2019
All sheep flock owners are reminded to submit their Sheep Census for 2019. As part of Article 7.2 of EU Regulation 21/ 2004, all sheep flock owners are required to complete their Sheep Census form annually, on a date that is determined by the Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine (DAFM). The date for the 2019 Sheep Census is Tuesday 31st of December 2019, so all sheep present on the farm at this date must be recorded on the Census form.
Flock owners are required to;
- Count the number of sheep present in your flock on the specified date.
- Record this number in your flock register.
- Record the number of sheep on the Census form and return post to Sheep Census, Seefin Data Management, PO Box 17, An Post, Cahirdown, Listowel D.S.U, Co Kerry.
- Alternatively farmers can record and complete their Sheep Census online with DAFM using
- The Sheep Census forms must be returned before Friday 31st of January 2020.
N.B The only acceptable proof of postage acceptable to the DAFM is a Registered Post Receipt.
If you require any assitance with filling in the Sheep Census Form, call into our office or alternatively you can give us a call on 091-738900