Saturday, 15 August 2015

Approval of Commonage Advisors

The Dept. of Agriculture have restarted the process of formally approving commonage advisors. A large number of such approvals issued by post to advisors yesterday. Our estimate is that 50-60% of applications have now been dealt with. We expect the remainder to issue in the very near future. 

Letters to the farmers in each commonage, formally notifying them of the relevant approved advisor can be expected in the coming days. It is important for farmers to note that they must sign a Commonage Authorisation Form for the approved advisor, this applies even if they had previously signed one for someone else. This is required to allow the advisor to access relevant information about the farmers stocking rates and sheep numbers, information that he or she will need to complete the Commonage Management Plan. 

This is a big step forward and along with the guidelines issued earlier in the week will now allow the production of Commonage Management Plans to begin in earnest. 

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