The on line facility allowing advisors to submit BPS applications has opened. The maps and paper applications will be forwarded to farmers over the coming weeks. This is the first really big step in the new CAP. Access to the Basic Payment Scheme, the ANC scheme and GLAS is dependent on this application.
While the closing date on May 15th might seem a long way off there is a lot of work for farmers and advisors to get through between now and then. To ensure that everything goes smoothly, farmers should take steps to address their application as soon as possible.
The next big step is the opening of GLAS for applications. I expect that this will be announced at the Fine Gael ard fheis on Friday or Saturday and that the terms and conditions along with the final specifications for the scheme will be published on Monday. Full details of how to apply for GLAS will be on this site within a few days.
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